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Showing posts with label English sonnet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label English sonnet. Show all posts

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Winters Sonnet 2.0

Through the Facebook application NetworkedBlogs I met Carol Ward who invited me to join Teesside Writer's Network. Recently she messaged all its members and asked if anyone had poems about Teeside or winter in general.

It just so happened that about 6 months ago I gave myself a poetry challenge - to try and write my first sonnet. Winters Sonnet 2.0 was the outcome of that challenge. The 2nd sonnet I wrote while I was completing the challenge was Enduring which I posted on my blog of poetry.

The reason why I have not posted Winters Sonnet to my blog was because I was not sure what I wanted to do with it. So when I saw Carol's request for poems about winter I thought why not :-)

You can currently read Winters Sonnet 2.0 on the Teesside Writers Network Latest news - Teesside Poems page - it is the 3rd poem down. Let me know what you think.

I want to thank my 'own personal editor' Graeme for helping me with this challenge. I also want to thank Carol for not only inviting me to join Teesside Writer's Network but for also posting my poem on the Teesside page.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

The challenge of Sonnets

I mentioned in a previous post how poetry challenges that a friend had given me. I went on to talk about the limerick challenge I gave myself and linked to one that I had written called The IRR within DR. I wrote this as a present for a friend and so the title can really only be understood by people who work in the sort of job I do. If someone really wants to know what it means ask :)

I also mentioned Sonnets though until now I have not posted either of the Sonnets I have written so far. They are both in the style of an English Sonnet and the one I posted on my blog of poetry is the 2nd sonnet I wrote and this is called Endure. I am still not sure if or when I will post the first as it needs other sonnets to go with it before it is complete.

I have found sonnets much easier to write than limericks: though I think this may because I over think limericks. This experience has reminded me how little I know about poetry and that I need to spend more time reading the work of other poets. However so many times I find myself looking at poetry that is nothing like what I write.