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Showing posts with label blogs posts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blogs posts. Show all posts

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Feedburner and twitter working together

At the beginning of 2009 I added FeedBurner to my blogs. Since it was taken over by Google it has simply become another way to monitor access to my blogs via the RSS feeds in the same way I use Google Analytics.

Last night when I was checking FeedBurner I noticed a post titled: "Socializing your feed with Twitter" - If you use FeedBurner and twitter this is worth checking out.

I noticed this post because I was looking for an easy way to have blog posts from the Hocken Collections blog tweeted via the Otago Library twitter account - @OtagoLibrary. I will post about how it goes :-)

Update 1: It worked for this post :-D -- Cool thing is that I can add hashtags to all these tweets or even use the tags I add to a post...

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Monday, January 12, 2009

Confessions of a Blogger!

Do you want to know what I think the worse thing a blogger can do?
  • Some would think that it is blogging about something you know will annoy others.
  • I have a few people I know that would suggest it may be not re-reading what you post before pressing publish: though I have seen a few blogs that really could use an editor ;-).
I am sure you can add other things that could be considered the worst thing....

For me the worst thing a blogger can do is to sit there with your blog and expect others simply to come to you just because your blogs exists. The most important thing for a blogger to do is to appreciate that there are most likely 1000s, if not more, blogs out there that are just like yours - what makes you so special? Tell me if you think I am wrong.

The thing that can make your Blog special is that you are willing to participate! Yep that is right - get out there and network with at least a % of those many blogs like yours and other blogs that you think are worth encouraging to continue. No Blog is an Island - if you want it that way then I suggest you start a LiveJournal and lock your posts down to you, yourself .... : so no one else can read them.

My confession is: Up until about 6 months ago I was an Island. I sat there alone and did not show any, or really not enough, appreciation towards those who have supported me since the beginning. So what changed for me - well the facebook application NetworkedBlogs has recently helped, but I think it was simply that I realised there are some fantastic blogs that need myself and others to support them. Blogs whose authors need to know others care about what they post. Another realisation for me occurred when my Blog of Poetry reached the age 2 years old and I wanted to do something to celebrate - hence this blog Behind Dreaming. And working on this blog has made me want to become more active.

My other confession is more "Wow having a blog of poetry did not work out the way I intended when I began". When I started blogging well over 2 years ago I did so because I wanted to share my poetry with my friends, family and anyone else I thought might be interested. By posting my poems to a blog they are open to anyone I know to read and there is also a sort of interesting risk that someone may come along and tell you to get a life ;-). Well I am happy to say that being told to get a life and to not give up my day job has yet to happen. Though I do love my day job so I am not in a rush to give it up. I have realised that many of the ones I wanted to share my poetry with do not come to my blog, as they are simply too busy. Feeding my poems into My Notes in Facebook has helped, but I still have been known to prod friends on occasion to say 'hey look at what I did'. There are those solid group of friends who do actively read my post and they know who they are. Though if they want others to know who they are let me know and I will post a 'Reader Roll' so I can name names: my version of a Little Black Book.

This acceptance helped to get over my initial goal and to look beyond my Island and realise the world of Blogs and other such tools is a wonderful place to be. I now want to find others who may learn to care about what I have to say and for me to be able to find the work of those I can not help but love.

So on this day of confessions I want to send a BIG thank you to Barbara Flowers for emailing, on a work list, the idea of creating a community of blogs. This idea entailed Barbara running a core site and all our blogs would be linked to it. Now at this point of the post I will tell you the worst thing I have done as a blogger is to not show Barbara and the rest of the Queensland Writers' Group a greater appreciation for their wonderful writing. I have also not thanked them more for providing the chance to belong to a community of fantastic writers.

If you love short stories then I recommend Barbara's latest post The brothel-keeper's tale, which is a story that captured me. I especially love the character Tillie. There are many stories on Barbara's blogs. Barbara has also posts poems and the one I want to highlight today is The usefulness of thoughts.

To help Barbara, Skye Gurtner and I have been added as authors of the Writers' Blog. Skye has added her first post about a wonderful book she found called ''Bird by Bird: some instructions on writing and life'' by Anne Lamott. You can read more of by Skye at her blog. I am mulling over what I will write for my first post and I am thinking about writing of my experiences as an Australian Poet in New Zealand or more specifically Dunedin.

So was this a shocking confession: you are probably thinking no. I was not actually striving to shock. I simply thought is was worth admitting my mistakes. However, I am willing to take suggestions for how I can make my posts more shocking :-)

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Winters Sonnet 2.0

Through the Facebook application NetworkedBlogs I met Carol Ward who invited me to join Teesside Writer's Network. Recently she messaged all its members and asked if anyone had poems about Teeside or winter in general.

It just so happened that about 6 months ago I gave myself a poetry challenge - to try and write my first sonnet. Winters Sonnet 2.0 was the outcome of that challenge. The 2nd sonnet I wrote while I was completing the challenge was Enduring which I posted on my blog of poetry.

The reason why I have not posted Winters Sonnet to my blog was because I was not sure what I wanted to do with it. So when I saw Carol's request for poems about winter I thought why not :-)

You can currently read Winters Sonnet 2.0 on the Teesside Writers Network Latest news - Teesside Poems page - it is the 3rd poem down. Let me know what you think.

I want to thank my 'own personal editor' Graeme for helping me with this challenge. I also want to thank Carol for not only inviting me to join Teesside Writer's Network but for also posting my poem on the Teesside page.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Keeping up with what I am following

As I have sought to follow more and more blogs. Especially the ones that contains poetry and stories of other authors, it has made me realise I need a better way to manage all of these blogs. The thing I have found with Web2, and helping others to understand Web 2.0, you need a reason to set up a tool so it works for your needs. Part of finding a reason is to not feel guilty about the time it may take to set it up. I know enough about Readers that I knew it would not be too hard to set one up, I just had little use for one before now. So the other day I made the time to set one up.

I already have many Google Accounts but through my job I had heard some great things about Netvibes - so I have gone with Netvibes. This does not mean I will not look into Google Reader it just was a good opportunity to look at a different tool.

I like what I have played with so far. I have created different tabs for my range of needs. So far I have set up things like friends' journals and creative blogs. When trying to decide what blogs belonged in each tab I made the decision to put a blog I discovered Don't Be A Slut in with my friends' journals. This decision was based on the fact that this is more like a journal of the author's life and the lessons she hopes that others, especially women, can learn from.

One other thing I have learned from my experience with delicious and helping others set up their own accounts: with Web2 you need to draw a line in the sand. By this I mean that Netvibes indicated that I had not yet read any of the blog posts, even though in many cases I had. I clicked them all to indicate that I had read everything so I can from this point on I know when each author posts something new. This does not mean I will not go and read a blog and older posts, it just allows me to do so when I have the time to.