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Showing posts with label hocken. Show all posts

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Feedburner and twitter working together

At the beginning of 2009 I added FeedBurner to my blogs. Since it was taken over by Google it has simply become another way to monitor access to my blogs via the RSS feeds in the same way I use Google Analytics.

Last night when I was checking FeedBurner I noticed a post titled: "Socializing your feed with Twitter" - If you use FeedBurner and twitter this is worth checking out.

I noticed this post because I was looking for an easy way to have blog posts from the Hocken Collections blog tweeted via the Otago Library twitter account - @OtagoLibrary. I will post about how it goes :-)

Update 1: It worked for this post :-D -- Cool thing is that I can add hashtags to all these tweets or even use the tags I add to a post...

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